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How to Buy a Car Online

Discover the effortless way to purchase your dream car online. Many people believe that buying a vehicle online is a challenging or time-consuming process, but it is, in fact, the most practical and successful approach. Allow us to guide you through the steps involved when you buy a car online.

Discover your perfect car on our website. Utilize our advanced search filters to streamline your search process. Our search options cover vehicle make, model, year, color, and more, making it effortless for you to find a car that precisely suits your preferences.

Once you've chosen your desired vehicle, click on the “RESERVE THE VEHICLE” button located at the top of the car image on the listing page. Fill out the form and submit it to reserve the vehicle. When we receive your request, one of our dedicated support members from Nippon Pride Trading Co Ltd will reach out to you. They will provide detailed information about your request and address any questions you may have, ensuring a clear understanding of your purchase. Please refrain from responding to emails from any other address claiming to represent Nippon Pride Trading Japan. If you receive emails from unauthorized sources, contact us immediately at so that we can take appropriate measures to ensure your security.

Once you have all the necessary information to purchase the vehicle, a pro forma invoice will be sent to you. To reserve your order, an initial payment of 50% of the total vehicle cost is required. This initial payment is crucial in securing your order, and we exclusively accept telegraphic transfer as the payment method, which should be made to our designated bank account.
Warning: Please be cautious and note that we strongly advise all our customers, visitors, members, and website users not to engage with any FAKE email. The company cannot be held responsible for any loss. Our further processes will only commence upon confirmation of the initial payment.

The pro forma invoice will include the prices will include the following costs:
  • FOB PRICE: FOB price is the actual price of the car which is the market price of the vehicle. It does not include any freight price and only covers the charges from our yard to shipping port.
  • CIF PRICE: CIF price is the freight price of the vessel from loading port to your selected port.
  • TOTAL PRICE: Total price is the actual price you have to pay to get the car to your selected port.

In case your payment is not received by the due date on the pro forma invoice and you have not contacted us to inform any reason of the delay, your order will automatically be cancelled and the vehicle will be reserved for the next available customer.

After the initial payment, your order will be reserved for you and we will start shipping process of your vehicle straight away. Once all the shipping process is completed, the remaining amount of the price is to be transferred to our bank account. Once the payment is received, you will be sent the important car documents which are as follows:
  • Export Certificate: he original Export Certificate (Japanese) and English translated Export Certificate which is the legal document that enables you to export a vehicle legally.
  • Sales Invoice: Sales invoice is the paid invoice provided by Nippon Pride Trading to you to keep the records for your side.
  • Customs Invoice: This document is for your local customs department to verify the price of your vehicle. Your local customs department will impose your country’s tax based on the price mentioned on this document.
  • Bill of Landing (BOL) You will need Bill of Landing (BOL) to receive your vehicle at your port of destination.
Other documents may be required depending on your country’s laws, regulations and terms of import. If so, please contact our sales representative and he/she will assist you and provide you the document if possible. We will send you all the above mentioned documents by scanned email pdf as well as courier (DHL).

Once your vehicle reaches the port of destination, you will be required to clear all the customs imposed on the vehicle by your government and that’s all.
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